Friday 21 August 2009

Killzone 2 (PS3)

Killzone 2

Format played: PS3
Players: 1 on campaign, up to 32 online
Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Gametime needed: 20+ hours, and plenty more via online multiplayer

Much was expected of Killzone 2 when it was first unveiled as one of Sony's great hopes even before the release of the PS3. The stunning set pieces wowed the public and game critics the world over, but many were sceptical as to whether Sony could replicate such heights for the actual game.

KZ2 was the first game I bought for my PS3. I was already very impressed with the interface of my new toy, but I hadn't yet been able to test any software for it until I bought KZ2. So, I loaded it up and WHAM. The graphics hit me. Let's not beat about the bush here, you won't find a better looking game probably anywhere. It's breathtaking - like watching a film. The first thing you're shown is quite a maniacal looking dude ranting Hitler-style at his memorised minions. I don't think you're supposed to like him - this is Visari, the big bad guy and leader of the Helghast - the evil, wicked, horrible and naughty inhabitants of the planet Helghan. The entire game is set on Helghan, and it really ain't a nice place. War torn is putting it mildly. Think of Millwall on a match day.

The plot isn't exactly original, but neither are the plots for KZ2's closest rivals, namely Halo 3 and Gears of War 2. Yes, there's a war on. You're playing as one of the goodies, there are lots of explosions and it's not a good idea to go running into the middle of it like a madman. You play as Sev, and there are plenty of sections of 'going it alone' as well as fighting alongside your fellow ISA (Interplanetary Strategic Alliance) troops. Unfortunately, some of your closest buddies who stick with you throughout most of the game are bloody annoying, and the urge to turn around and unleash a clip into them is quite strong at times. Especially bloody Rico. Tit.

There's not really much point in going into the plot too much - you're a goodie, the Helghast are evil (they've got red eyes for a start). You have to kill them and accomplish certain missions. It's not rocket science, it's not original but you've not bought this game to play anything other than a good old fashioned blaster, right?

Gameplay - it's enjoyable. Just walking around marvelling at arguably the most impressive visuals seen in a game is rewards enough. Gun fights are frantic and cut scenes dramatic. The Helghast look like pretty mean chaps, the explosions incredible, the weapons look great, as do the vehicles. So far, so good. But here comes (for me) the main 2 flaws of the game.

The Helghast - red eyes + large weapon = bad guy. In case you hadn't already worked it out.

Although the missions you undertake range from powering up deserted power supplies to bloody revenge against the Helghast, the way you accomplish them is almost exactly the same from the first to the last levels. The weapons might look nice, but nothing beats the rifle. It's either the rifle is too good or that the other weapons are unimaginative and too weak. There are a few nice sniping points, but it's hardly the exceptional Chernobyl level from Call of Duty 4.

Another problem is the severe lack of enemy. Bog standard Helghast cannon fodder is pretty much it, save a few evil droids and some super-armoured Helghast with rocket launchers. Where are the big bosses? Where are the giant creatures? Very disappointing indeed. Even Halo's Covenant have varying forms. The Helghast seem to be clones of each other.

If you hadn't guessed, 85% of this game sees you versus bog standard Helghast warrior version 1, using the assault rifle.

Killzone 2 can get quite tricky at times, and clearing an area does feel like quite an achievement. The levels are well thought out, but never once did I think 'hmm, I wonder what's behind THAT door?'. More like 'hmm, a door for Helghast to burst through. Time to take cover and flush them out with my assault rifle'.

But my main gripe unfortunately takes a lot of the fun out of the extremely promising multiplayer mode - it plays so unbelievably sluggishly. Yes, I have amassed a ridiculous amount of time on Call of Duty over the past 2 years, but I also loved Halo 3, both Gears of Wars games and am basically a fan of the FPS genre. But Killzone 2 handles very poorly indeed. It feels unresponsive and clunky. A major gripe is when I've locked on to an enemy, and R2 (shoot) is being hammered down to the plastic. But the bugger just doesn't drop. Then he turns around and kills me with one single shot. VERY frustrating. And I've found it's worse in multiplayer.

I don't want to take anything away from the thought put into Killzone 2's multiplayer modes. The game types are excellent, varied and well structured. It's also HUGE - 32 people per game. A good idea is the bots that make up any team not filled with the full 16-man compliment. It holds up fairly well too - the maps are gigantic, with plenty of scope for sniping and close combat. But if it plays so sluggishly, what's the point? Ah well, at least grenades look good and are guaranteed a few kills if you managed to chuck them in just the right place.

Multiplayer mode

To summarise - it's very, very frustrating. Killzone 2 could - and perhaps should - have been one of THE great games of the current genre. Visually - it's without doubt the most stunning game I've ever seen. The sound is also excellent. Watching it on a nice, big tv with surround sound would - I imagine - be quite an experience. So why oh why did Sony ruin all this with a very clunky, unresponsive control system and a samey campaign mode?

I hope that the inevitable Killzone 3 learns from their mistakes, because this franchise truly has so much to offer.

Ian's Score: 7.2

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